Sunday, December 6, 2009

An Uncomfortable Faith


Regarding my theories about religion spawning social activism, I will speak now with some trepidation, partly because my 'theology' has not been sufficiently developed due to lack of instruction and partly because it offends many. I seek further study in the lives of our founding fathers, in others who have gone before, and in those rare individuals who live today as examples of our common faith.

I am an imperfect Christian, saved by God's grace, who occasionally speaks, I believe, an uncomfortable truth. Although I believe in everyone's right to his own personal faith, I'm not one of those who thinks it's OK to believe anything. There is an absolute truth; if you don't believe it, you're wrong. Simple as that...although it's not up to me to condemn anybody. Philosophy asks the question "Why are we here?" Religion seeks to answer it.

Consider this question: Who made this watch? Possible answers:
1. Nobody
2. It made itself
3. It took a long time and little parts of it came together randomly; finally the big parts came together, but I'm not really sure how it ever started keeping time
4. A watchmaker
5. A series of watchmakers, but one of them struck it with lightning and it started keeping time all of a sudden.
6. A group of watchmakers, but the head guy struck it with lightning and it started keeping time all of a sudden.

Now my intuition tells me that all of these answers can't be correct. I may not have thought of the right answer, but surely there is only one right answer.

Possibly the truth is inconvenient and dreadfully uncomfortable, but a great teacher once said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."

If you seek the truth, you may find an irritating nugget here in my blog, on occasion. If you don't seek the truth you will likely do no better than be highly offended. So, if you're in the latter category, please don't bother reading any further; you're unlikely to get beyond your 'offense'. And I'm not dumb enough to suggest that I'm the only one around with the inside story.

What I do in fighting Texas government corruption is highly personal. I may be fooling myself (I don't think so), but I've believed from the beginning, like the Biblical Esther, "I'm in this time, in this place, for this purpose" (actually, that's a paraphrase). My former church, which I have left, is offended that I believe God has called me to this task; they are offended that I quoted the prophet Ezekiel (chapter 33) to them: "So you, son of man (to Ezekiel), I have made a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. If I say to the wicked, O wicked one, you shall surely die, and you to not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, that wicked person shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, that person shall die in his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul." They are offended that I think they might be 'in sin'; they are seemingly unperturbed because I say I've been retaliated against because of the state crimes I've exposed.

I "have made serious accusations," they have said. As if they are somehow immune to being wrong... I find that arrogant.

The truth has never been particularly popular and will likely lead to suffering of those who proclaim it; it is likely to make one uncomfortable to the extreme. I humbly and prayerfully, with my many failings, seek the truth and invite correction.

After several years investigating the Texas Medical Board, I have made public some of its criminal acts of which I am personally aware.

I originally became interested in its activities because I thought it was odd for a medical board to open a full investigation of a doctor who didn't release a normal lab report to a single patient in a timely manner. Somehow, my moral lapse just didn't seem all that important in the great scheme of things. After all, the patient could just as easily have obtained her results from the laboratory. It has no obligation to practice medicine, but I do. The interpretation of lab and an explanation of its significance is part of the practice of medicine. My medical malpractice insurer agreed and wished more doctors felt the same way.

In response to my grave error, the TMB proposed a disciplinary order which was excessively burdensome, way out of proportion to the wrong done, and required me to admit to being a "danger to the public" and make other false statements. I couldn't sign it. I finally agreed to a disciplinary order which required me to pay a $500 fine, take 10 hours of Continuing Medical Education, and agree to the truth: I took longer than 15 business days to give this woman a lab report and I didn't explain, in writing, my reasoning: She had agreed to come back for the interpretation.

The priorities of the TMB seemed so misdirected that I thought they might have some agenda inconsistent with their stated mission "to protect the public". I didn't see how their efforts to discipline me could possibly be honest. There must be a rat. I continued my investigation.

I learned that in my particular case, Doug Curran MD, president of the Texas Academy of Family Physicians, had bribed Keith E Miller MD, chairman of the TMB Disciplinary Process Review Committee, to suspend and ultimately revoke my medical license. I had offended Dr. Curran by exposing his conflict of interest, as president of the Texas Academy of Family Physicians, with Blue Cross Blue Shield, the state's largest health insurance company.

My public exposure of the crimes (there were many) of TMB Board Member Keith E Miller MD led to his resignation in August, 2007. Likewise, my protests over the conflicts of interest of the Dr. Curran led to a policy change for the TAFP: a president could no longer advertise for a company which had financed his rise to power. My further efforts contributed to the resignations of the TMB Executive Director, Donald Patrick MD JD, and the TMB president, Roberta Kalafut DO, several months later. My investigation quickly implicated several other executive directors of other state agencies: I alleged, with good evidence, that the Executive Director of the Board of Nursing, Katherine Thomas, and three Executive Directors of the Texas Department of Public Safety had committed criminal acts: Colonel Thomas Davis, who resigned under fire in the summer, 2008; Colonel Stanley Clark, who resigned under allegations of sexual harassment in May, 2009, and his replacement, Colonel Steve McCraw, who continues to be compromised.

I have strong evidence that current DPS Executive Director Colonel Steve McCraw is guilty of the crime 'misprision of a felony' and other crimes. I have more evidence (personal knowledge) that current TMB Executive Director Mari Robinson is guilty of half a dozen felonies. I have a great deal of hearsay and personal knowledge of evidence that Mari Robinson is a traditional government crook who will stoop to anything to retaliate against those who speak out against her. She is partly responsible for the suicide of my husband on January 8, 2008, although I was her intended target. She and her co-criminals, staff and members of the TMB, suspended my medical license on March 24, 2009 and sent a press release to my hometown newspaper the following day saying they had found me to be 'mentally impaired' and 'a danger to the public'.

After quickly publishing the TMB's version, Chris Cobbler, an editor of the Victoria Advocate, would not take even a few moments to examine the evidence presented by the doctor whose career the TMB had maliciously destroyed.

There have been several complaints against me to the medical board, but nothing remotely related to the practice of medicine. Their claim that I am a danger to the public is absurd.

On the other hand, I have made multiple written and verbal complaints to the medical board about the crimes of their Executive Director, Mari Robinson, without acknowledgment or response. On February 6, 2009, at a regular meeting of the TMB, for the 10 minutes allotted to me for personal testimony, I enumerated the crimes of Mari Robinson for which I have direct personal knowledge. About two weeks later, with no new information, complaint, or evidence, I received notice that the TMB planned to suspend my medical license. That occurred in the March 24th hearing. The "evidence" was a DPS video so highly and unfavorably altered that the malicious intent could not be missed.

The TMB solicited and received cooperation with the Wharton County District Attorney, who has prosecuted me maliciously for crimes I did not commit. Officers of the Texas Department of Public Safety have committed perjury in trial testimony under oath. It has been suggested that the DA's real motivation is his vulnerability to prosecution himself for illegal search and seizure of 'contraband' (my car) after DPS troopers stopped me for what began as a traffic stop. It is a fact that he has tried to bribe me on several occasions with his offer to reduce felony charges ('fleeing arrest with a deadly weapon'- my car)to a misdemeanor, if I would just give him my damn car! I didn't 'flee arrest'; I left after telling him I would stop in the next lighted, populated area and he refused my reasonable request.

Attorney General Greg Abbott has lied to me while shaking my hand and looking me squarely in the eyes; he promised me that a particular attorney in his Department of Criminal Justice would accept my evidence of criminal behavior of state officials.

She has not. Abbott's office refuses to respond to my calls.

Dr. Keith Miller, after he resigned from the medical board in shame, when I exposed crimes he committed under color of office, has continued to mount vicious attacks against me with assistance by the TMB. I have seen some of his correspondence with them. The board, in return, provided Miller with my personal protected medical history which they denied me, because it was 'confidential' and 'under seal'. This confidential testimony was in Miller's hands a few days after it's existence was made known. Miller has used it as an aid to sue me.

In testimony under oath, both Miller and Robinson have perjured themselves. Their colleagues have lied with intent to harm me.

Is any of this related to my faith? ...only to the extent that my faith compels me to tell the truth and speak out when public officials abuse their power. I have personal knowledge of criminal behavior of multiple Texas state employees. Their crimes hurt Texans.

In Texas, we do not receive the rights guaranteed us in our due process, no equal justice under the law. We are not protected against unreasonable and warrantless searches and seizures. Some of us serve our country risking our lives to 'preserve our freedoms'! How can I voluntarily relinquish my freedoms over here to monsters posing as public officials? What hypocrisy that would be!

My faith requires me to make public what I know to be true, at considerable personal risk. It is sad that so few are compelled to serve with me to protect our freedoms.

Regarding my faith, would I change anything I've done over these last several years? Well, I would have behaved in a more godly manner; I wouldn't have hated the people who, because I have spoken out against their corruption, have retaliated against me maliciously. I would have thanked God more for the 'angels' he keeps sending my way to encourage me. I would have prayed more fervently for our precious US Constitution to 'work'. I would have grieved more for so many of my fellow Christians who look the other way, deluding themselves, believing their faith lets them remain silent, not discerning between good and evil, not choosing to become involved, thinking that true faith doesn't cause one to take a position against evil.


  1. The US has a corrupt component. It's hard to get past the numbers on the crooked side, but with a little luck, and devine intervention, you will.

    Chris Kuhne, M.D.

  2. I too have exposed corruption and suffered the consequences. I'm just as amazed as you are that so many people are willing to turn their backs on corruption and accept it by doing nothing. As long as it doesn't affect them, they don't want to get involved. Well, if it wasn't for people like us, a black man wouldn't be in the White House and there wouldn't be any Jews left in the world! Yes, it takes a truly brave person to stand up for what's sure is lonely up here.

    I truly believe that in the end, whether in this life or the next, we're all going to get what we deserve. Your time will come.

  3. God Bless you and keep you. We have far too many religious people and not enough Christians. Religion has been used to tame and bind us up. Christ came to liberate and set us free. He was wild at heart. He did not tolerate evil, neither should we. Our purpose is to seek truth and promote justice. The state did not give us our rights, it can never be allow to take them away. Seculars have perverted scripture to tame us. Render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasars I agree. Problem is Ceasar has nothing! Creates nothing, is nothing without consent. If we refuse consent Ceasar doesn't even have that. Ceasar is naked!

    Raymond Madden
    Seeker of Truth, Intolerate of Evil

  4. I found your last sentence powerful.

    True, many Christians behave in very un-Christian-like ways, placing their own perceived personal interests as more important than their faith.

    I think most corrupt powerful people are not true Christians, or Christians at all. That is why they are so corrupt and break so many legal and moral codes.

    I think they are right, however. There is no God. But Christian ideals are still very good moral rules. It is imperative that corrupt officials be held to account while alive, for in all likelihood, in death they will escape all accountability, and their relatives get their ill-gotten gains.

    Both Christians and agnostics like me should both push for corrupt officials be held accountable for their crimes/corruption.

  5. I do not disagree with your premise about a "truth", clear and certain, existing. I am unsure if I possess the clarity to recognize it, crystalline, when it, THE TRUTH, presents itself, but I do my best and that is all that can be expected of any of us.

    It is all too easy to go through one's life with pre-conceived notions of right and wrong inculcated by our culture, peers, theology, government, etc, but it is through experience that we come to see other "truths"; a life unchallenged is provided no opportunities for growth.

    Still, after a point, there are ills and falsehoods so great that even the blind observe them and when self-professed "good men" do nothing, it is even more imperative to disassociate one's self from them for they corrupt the very concept of good prevailing against evil, reason against chaos.

    Edmund Burke is notable for many, oft-quoted sentiments, so here is one; "When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."

    We, the people, realize that there are shared concepts of good v evil, right v wrong and have established rules that we all may live by irrespective of our particular religious beliefs or lack thereof; it is the very premise of our country's existence.

    If you had not had this opportunity for growth, you might still count yourself amongst those who gather the cloak of righteousness for themselves at the expense of their fellow man; would you have ever looked beyond the illusory veil and seen reality? Maybe the old cliche, "The good guys don't always wear white hats" makes a bit more sense now.

  6. Ahh, I found it put much better than I managed..
    "your allies need not be saints, nor do they even need to like you. A dangerous common enemy is enough to form alliances-if need be, even with unsavory characters."

    From a comment at this site;
