Thursday, January 28, 2010

Shirley Pigott v State of Texas

Here's what happened Monday, January 25, 2010, in State of Texas v Shirley Pigott:

I was sentenced to two years without parole for my conviction of two counts of evading arrest with a deadly weapon on September 29, 2007.


I was stopped, ostensibly, for speeding 9 mph over the posted speed limit, by Texas DPS Trooper Alfred Ochoa.

1) Trooper Ochoa acted like he was walking in a mine field and was scared out of his wits when he walked up to my window that September evening at 8:15 pm and commanded that I show him my Texas Drivers License. I showed it to him through the rolled up, locked window and told him I wanted to go to the next lighted, populated area before I would unlock my door or roll down my window. He refused, so I instructed him to follow behind me as I slowly and carefully drove away. The DPS video is confirmatory. I was pulled over by DPS Trooper Daniel Terronez while being followed by Ochoa whose lights were flashing and siren wailing.

2) I held up my Drivers License again for Officer Terror. Being a total brute who has killed before, Terror threatened to break into my car and remove me by force. I promised him I wouldn't give him the chance, but that if he tried, "I'm outta' here!"

Therefore, when Terror began to smash in my window with his heavy flashlight, I drove off. I hadn't noticed that a speeding 18-wheeler was due to be in my lane at exactly the same moment, but I'm pretty sure this was Terror's calculated attempt to kill me. After the 18-wheeler and I narrowly missed each other, I floored my Toyota Prius, until I smelled burning rubber and a burning engine. After slowing a bit, I glanced at the speedometer and saw that it read 107 mph. At that speed nothing was burning, so I held the speed there for 93 seconds (according to the DPS video).

Then I slowed to under the speed limit until I reached the city of Wharton, where local law enforcement were waiting for me. I stopped, and got out only to face being arrested.

For barely escaping with my life, I'm sentenced to two years in prison without the possibility, according to Texas law, of parole. When a felony is committed "with a deadly weapon", in enlightened Texas, the minimum sentence is two years without possibility of parole.

However, at the time of sentencing, one may appeal for a mistrial. My appeal is based on prosecutorial abuse...and perjury of the DPS officers...and tampering with the jury.

I was handcuffed and taken straight to jail. Do not pass 'Go'; do not collect $200.

I posted bond and was all set to get out and wait for my attorney Jerry S Payne to take me through the mistrial motion and hopefully, a new trial.

"Hmm," the jailers mused, "Do you know anything about a warrant out for your arrest from the Center, Police Department (Shelby County)?"

"Hmm," I thought, "That's where Keith E Miller MD lives." He's the crooked (IMO) doc whom I forced to resign from the Texas Medical Board, the same TMB member Doug Curran MD (President of the Texas Academy of Family Physicians) bribed to have my Texas Medical license suspended back in early 2006 because I exposed the duo's conflict of interest with Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Miller is saying I slandered him.

I didn't. What I've said is 100% factual...and the truth is an affirmative defense to allegations of slander.

Miller is getting really desperate in his retaliation campaign against me. He has repeatedly violated the Medical Practice Act as well as Texas and federal law. He bribed crooked Shelby County District Attorney (google [tenaha police]) Lynda Russell to have me indicted for "criminal conspiracy" on January 8, 2010.

(I've noticed that a peculiar pattern of Texas interagency corruption is that the conspirators make sport of getting their victims indicted for exactly the crimes they themselves have committed. If you are a victim and wonder what the perpetrators are up to, just look at what they have most recently had you fraudulently indicted for, and you'll have it.)

So, when the Wharton folks entered me into the system, up popped the outstanding Shelby County warrant. Release canceled.

Phone calls were exchanged between Shelby and Wharton Counties and my extradition to Shelby County Tuesday at sunrise was arranged. I confirmed that one of the jailers planned to take me to Center privately and hand me over to Miller's henchmen. Plans changed several times while I slept peacefully.

My lawyer, Jerry Payne, brain-surgeon of a lawyer that he is, pounced on the Court of Appeals and vacated the Center warrant! Hu-RAH!

So here I am, rested, and re-loaded. I'm a little handicapped, however, because I don't have wireless internet and my only wired home computer won't let me access my gmail.

Attorney Next-To-Go Mari Robinson of the TMB and Asst AG Karen Matlock, with all the resources of the state of Texas in their pockets, are about to be taken down by yours truly, Carol Ann Davis, and a handful of their victims who are dedicated to re-introduce the word "justice" into the Texas legal vocabulary.

Robinson and Matlock became good 'buds' and fellow co-conspirators when they worked together in the Texas AG's Department before Robinson blessed the TMB with her tenure.

Since my independent investigations of Miller, Curran, DPS, Bridget Hughes, the Texas Board of nursing, former Texas Medical Board Executive Director Donald Patrick MD JD, former TMB President Roberta Kalafut DO, and current "next to go" TMB Exec Dir Mari Robinson, I have joined forces with other women victims of racketeering by various Texas agencies: We are

1. Carol Ann Davis, who has publicly accused Assistant Attorney General Karen Matlock of murdering federal witness Melinda (Lindy) Honerkamp. Honerkamp met an untimely death in a Texas hospital in less than 24 hours after she was heard loudly proclaiming that she was going to report Matlock's racketeering crimes to Federal Judge Ewing Werlein in the South Texas District. Honerkamp's death was a surprise to everyone but her murderer.

Davis found me about a year ago by googling [DPS corruption]

2. Carolyn Logan, whose $1 million Hays County acreage is being threatened by O'Quinn Law Firm partner Charles Soechting. Reportedly, Soechting wants Logan's land. The O'Quinn Law Firm has things fixed so that "what Soechting wants, Soechting gets".

3. Carolyn Barnes, a Travis County attorney in solo private practice who has fought Texas government corruption for over 15 years.

4. Keith Schmidt, who has Texas Department of Public Safety on the chopping block in federal court.

5. Beverly Thompson, formerly married to a Houston attorney for 27 years, she understands the meaning of the saying: "All lawyers are lazy and all lawyers lie."

Texas Phoenix has s-o-o-o much more to tell...

1 comment:

  1. Employed in the legal field, I am sorry to say that corruption in the Texas courts, police forces and related departments is commonplace and the public has no idea how bad it is. It is time someone does something about it.
