Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What it's like in Texas - the tale of a Texas whistleblower

The true story of a Hearne, Texas, single black mother of four falsely indicted for dealing drugs.

The racist comments to this article are disgusting and shameful. Instead of publishing them, I'm publishing some comments by those who recognize a courageous whistleblower, whether or not she uses good grammar. That she doesn't is a comment on what a farce the public schools in Texas offer blacks, not on the brave woman herself.

Comment posted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/08/2009

Oh come on..."rat"? No matter what anyone thinks of this woman. She stood her ground. She stood up for herself when many didn't have the courage to do so. Who else was willing to be the spokesperson? It doesn't matter who was chosen to be the spokesperson, what matters is why she was chosen and if it was effective. Rosa Parks really wasn't the first woman to give up her seat or go to jail for standing up for what she believed. But, during that particular time, she was the suitable person to use. Blacks were already being treated and depicted poorly in the south, someone pregnant by a married, white man would not have been the best person to use when trying to make their point, at that time. This doesn't mean this woman was a bad person or anything like that. We all get "caught up" sometimes. It just happened to be the wrong time for that type of situation. As far as the "rat" goes, yes she was young and ignorant, but she was willing to stand up for her rights and that did happen to help many people.

Stupidity Knows No Bounds...
Comment posted by Anonymous on Fri, 04/24/2009

hood rat gets lucky??????

Man: are you serious? Not only are your comments (look at the original article if you find it necessary to read those comments) ignorant and illogical, but they ignore the point of the story..the district attorney targeted people based upon race. That's illegal. None of us are perfect. The beauty of Regina's/Dee's story is that she is an ordinary person who made an extraordinary decision. No one could blame her if she decided not to fight. But, she decided to forge ahead...Why am I wasting my time????? Obviously, you don't get the point. You're just as bad as the DA.

What Are You Going to Do?
Comment posted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/07/2009

I agree with whomever wrote the 'Stupidity Has No Bounds....' blog. Regardless of where she came from, who her kids' fathers were or who she was, she did something very brave and something that a lot of us wouldn't have the guts to do now days. She stood up for something that she knew was wrong. And think about it.......regardless of what percentage of African Americans live in this town, none of them have any type of power to really be heard and make a difference. I saw the movie and read about the situation outside the movie and based on what I've learned, she could have been killed, targeted, or any other negative reinforcement for standing up to this D.A. and the town for that matter. Her story is extra ordinary.....not ordinary at all. Would you have risked your life and your family's life for this? Would you? Not knowing what the outcome might have been........if it would have made a difference at all? WOULD YOU???? Probably not.

And, for those of you pointing the finger or telling what you see the 4 yr olds do and whose walking to the store by themselves......what are you doing to make Hearne a better place? Are you taking part in some type of action to make things better? Every little bit me. Nothing is ever done in vain. Whether the children were thrown on the ground or not (they didn't show children being thrown on the ground) is not even the big issue. Let's face it.........that police force was doing something terribly wrong in Hearne and it finally came to the light. They were racially profiling citizens to reach a certain quota. I don't care if they arrested 10 and 8 of them were actual drug dealers....what about the other 2 that were picked out because of their race? And, I've never heard of a town doing as many raids as that and I live in the city where you can get cocaine from your local doctor!

An educated, not a hood rat, woman

This is our world, smh God save us!
Comment posted by Anonymous on Sat, 08/22/2009

I am so surprised at some of the above comments. This girl is phenomenal, no matter what people think of her. I am a black woman, with two kids and two babies fathers. Am I proud of that ? No I am not , but I am proud of my self and my children. You all are dwelling on the wrong things.We need to empower ourselves and our children,our community. What happened in Hearne Was wrong,the state of Texas is a racist black hole and I feel sorry for any black people living there. True there is racism everywhere I live in NY, it's here too. Our country needs revitalization, thank god for our new president!

Written by a high school graduate, just returning to college
Ignorance is a state of mind, no amount of college or culture can change it.

Comment posted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/22/2009

What troubles me about this whole issue, is that the D.A. is still in office, after this whole incident took place, if I'm not mistaken This town is one of those small towns that say, everything was alright tell some outsiders came and messed it all up. For who, them. See? That's the problem, some folks seem to feel that everything should stay the way it has been, for as long as they can remember. Just because it's been that way, doesn't make it right. YOU STAY IN YOUR PLACE AND EVERYTHING WILL BE OK. Hopefully, these narrow minded people will soon become a thing of the past, like dinosaurs, extinct.

Who would continue to vote for this DA?
Comment posted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/29/2009

I so admire Regina Kelly for standing up to this dirty DA.
Unfortunately, all over the US, we are locking up non-violent people in cages for what they put in their body or for providing it. NO ONE should be locked up like that. The War on Drugs is wrong. It's not smart, it's not just and it's not effective in keeping drugs away.
We need to treat all drugs the way we treat alcohol and public health issues.
What kind of people would continue to vote for this dirty DA?

Will We Ever Evolve?
Comment posted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/18/2009

The problem is not "whites who hate blacks". The problem is that we as black people can't stick together long enough to do anything about it. We are truly our own worst enemy. We are so worried about getting over, looking out for self, being the house nigga not the field nigga, or being better than each other that we can't see that when the least of us are being mistreated it makes it that much easier for the rest of us to be treated the same way. On the plantation a nigga was a nigga. The house nigga and the field nigga served different purposes but neither were looked at as human beings simply property. The whole idea behind that structure was to divide and conquer and it worked. We are still divided.

I don't have children but I applaud any black woman, no matter how many kids or baby daddy's, who is trying to better herself so that her kids can have a role model to look up to. The look up to Beyonce why not you?

I pray that all races can one day learn to live in harmony. Do I believe that it will happen? Not really. We probably can't change those of us who have already been programmed to believe that we can't do any better and that the white man is always right but we can start from here. We can teach our children better. Just because your parents were statistics does not mean that you have to be one no matter what anyone says. It has to start somewhere. Why not here? Why not now?

You go Regina!!! God Bless you!

1 comment:

  1. In honor of Martin Luther King, let us all look forward to the day when a person is judged by the color of their character rather than their skin.
    Shine on, shine on.
