Monday, March 1, 2010

Resolution regarding the Texas Medical Board to be presented at the Texas Democratic and Republican primary precinct conventions at 7 PM Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whereas, the Texas Medical Board (TMB) has come under considerable public scrutiny in Texas and around the country, and

Whereas, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has filed a lawsuit against it in federal court because of its abuses and failures to protect the health of Texans, and

Whereas, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has recognized the TMB as being 'the worst medical board in the nation' and being rife with constitutional violations of due process, corruption, and unethical conflicts of interest, and

Whereas, the Executive Branch, under which it operates, has failed to take appropriate action, and

Whereas, the Legislature has failed to execute sufficient oversight or provide legislative relief, and

Whereas, the possibility of Judicial relief is remote, and

Whereas, Constitutional Due Process and other freedoms we all hold dear are threatened if Texans do not intervene, and

Whereas, health care is too important to leave to politicians and lawyers who have no training or experience in healthcare,

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people of the Republican Party of Texas direct their elected officials to intervene in specific cases to insure that physicians and other healthcare providers have their Constitutional Due Process rights protected, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people .... direct their elected officials to intervene in specific cases to guarantee that physicians with disabilities are given state and federal protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people .... direct their elected officials to demand that the Texas Medical Board shall comply fully with Open Government Laws, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people .... direct their elected officials to demand that all healthcare licensing agencies require their licensees to participate in continuing medical education such that every complaint about any licensee is evaluated as to its significance and whether a change of process might have prevented patient harm or improve the health of Texans, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people .... direct their elected officials to care less about giving or not giving "legal advice" and care more about stopping the abuses of the Texas Medical Board, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people.... condemn the Texas legislature for not conducting proper oversight of the Texas Medical Board, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people .... condemn the Texas Executive Branch for not enforcing constitutional due process at the Texas Medical Board, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people ... condemn the Texas Attorney General because of his refusal to render constitutional opinions enforcing open government laws at the TMB and other applicable state and federal laws, including the Medical Practice Act, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people ... direct the Texas Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches to correct such gross abuses of human rights as evidenced by the daily activities of the Texas Medical Board and act with utmost haste to correct these injustices.

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