Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Resolution regarding the Texas Medical Board was accepted in Republican Party of Texas precinct conventions

Tonight, as I have done for the last 15 - 20 years, I attended my precinct convention after the polls closed in the Republican Party primary election. I presented the resolution below.

Things took a different twist this time, however.

Our Texas State Representative Geanie Morrison seconded.

Victoria Advocate reporter Gabe Semenza took notes as his photographer filmed my presentation.

Representative Morrison explained to the group that there were, indeed, problems which need to be addressed at the Texas Medical Board

Mr. Semenza refused to comment on my pointed questions as to the reasons his boss, Chris Cobler, has never examined my evidence of fraud and corruption at the Texas Medical Board after it suspended my medical license on March 24, 2009, shortly after 5 pm.

On March 25, 2009, Cobler, who will never be noted for his adherence to 'ethics in publishing', printed the slanderous press release sent to him by the medical board word for word.

A few days later, I asked him to review with me the DPS video which Mari Robinson, I believe, had altered in order to show me in an unfavorable light. Without so much as a break in his step, Cobler told me he couldn't be bothered with looking at my evidence of malfeasance at the board. When I questioned him why he had printed what the medical board told him, but would not hear my side of the story, as if it made sense, he said, "...the Texas Medical Board is a STATE agency."

Oh...I see....

The following resolution was accepted at various Republican Party precinct conventions across the state of Texas on March 2, 2010. It will now rise upward to various County conventions, and eventually be considered for inclusion in the State of Texas Republican Party Platform.

Resolution regarding the Texas Medical Board

Whereas, the Texas Medical Board has come under considerable public scrutiny in Texas and around the country, and

Whereas, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has filed a lawsuit against it because of its abuses and failures to protect the health of Texans, and

Whereas, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has recognized the Texas Medical Board as being 'the worst medical board in the nation' and being rife with constitutional violations of due process, corruption, and unethical conflicts of interest, and

Whereas, the Executive Branch, under which it operates, has failed to take appropriate action, and

Whereas, the Legislature has failed to execute sufficient oversight or provide legislative relief, and

Whereas, the possibility of Judicial relief is remote, and

Whereas, Constitutional Due Process and other freedoms we all hold dear are threatened if Texans do not intervene, and

Whereas, health care is too important to leave to politicians and lawyers who have no training or experience in healthcare,

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people of the Republican Party of Texas direct their elected officials to intervene in specific cases to ensure that physicians and other healthcare providers have their Constitutional Due Process rights protected, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people .... direct their elected officials to intervene in specific cases to guarantee that physicians with disabilities are given state and federal protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people .... direct their elected officials to demand that the Texas Medical Board shall comply fully with Open Government Laws, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people .... direct their elected officials to demand that all healthcare licensing agencies require their licensees to participate in continuing medical education such that every complaint about any licensee is evaluated as to its significance and whether a change of process might have prevented patient harm or improve the health of Texans, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people .... direct their elected officials to care less about giving or not giving "legal advice" and care more about stopping the abuses of the Texas Medical Board, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people.... condemn the Texas legislature for not conducting proper oversight of the Texas Medical Board, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people .... condemn the Texas Executive Branch for not enforcing constitutional due process at the Texas Medical Board, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people ... condemn the Texas Attorney General because of his refusal to render constitutional opinions enforcing open government laws at the TMB and other applicable state and federal laws, including the Medical Practice Act, and

Be it therefore now Resolved, the people ... direct the Texas Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches to correct such gross abuses of human rights as evidenced by the daily activities of the Texas Medical Board and act with utmost haste to correct these injustices.


  1. Medical Boards across the country take heed, the days of your kangaroo reviews are coming to an end. JPMMD

  2. Medical boards are filled with political players and not broad and wide thinkers. If I want to waste 15 years kissing the rump of the AMA or the State Medical Society or a Governor who is a political lawyer, I would waste such time.

    The ability of medical boards to think widely is a joke. Their members have no time to do a really good job. They defer to outdated and sloppy "guidelines" as if that was advanced research and clinical medicine. They are fools to believe in "standards" since each person is unique and not a mechanical thing.

    They use prostitute experts and some are mere professional sham witnesses. They are really run by lawyers, and the Medical Board prosecutors expect more paper documents than care with patients. They confuse medical notes with legal briefs.

    Read thier medical statues and discipline reports. It is in legalese!

    People are going to be using Private Investigators on them, etc and ethically and legally going after them they way they attack top creative physicians.

    Finally, God help you if you hav3e chronic severe pain. It is OK to have riskly major surgery which might make things worse on occassion, but heaven forbid you need daily narcotics to work. You doctor has to do so much documentation that is utter freakish in size and intensity, no one wants to treat pain patients except with baby food treatment or the knife.

  3. Shirley,
    Good for you Shirley. It's a small step but an important one. Keep pushing. I did a similar thing on Monday night. They threatened me with arrest. They didn't but this is how they played it in the Manchester Union Leader. Do we still have our 1st Amendment rights in NH?
    The New Boston Selectmen refused to allow me to speak freely about the crimes that Krajenka was committing on these tapes. This is actually good. It exposes who "these guys" are because even with a NH Supreme Court Order allowing me to use these recordings as I see fit, they chose to call me out of order and had me escorted away from the microphone.


    Gerard Beloin
